The Players Tribe Q&A with professional basketball player Max Heiddeger

Max Heiddeger is currently playing for the Hawks summer league team. He has a legit chance of getting signed, had a successful debut, scored 12 points (10 in first half) 3 assists in 14 minutes yesterday. He has been through a lot, including a life-changing injury in High School. Max didn't let that stop him from chasing his dreams, as he is doing that, participating in the NBA Summer League. Max played at Santa Barbara, had a solid college career, played internationally in Israel, and is now a stop closer to the NBA.

What has the summer league experience been like for you?

"It’s been great so far, of course, summer league is a great opportunity. I’m just trying to take it all in and do the best I can out there."

Did some research on you and read that you considered giving Basketball up after a life-changing injury in high school, what motivated you to keep going? What was your recruitment like coming out of High School?

"Yeah, I fractured my back in high school, it was a pretty bad experience, and you know, the back is nothing to mess around with. It made me consider giving basketball up as a whole, but after my back fully healing, I thought I’d regret it if I didn’t give it another chance. I was getting pretty heavily recruited before my injury, and then I didn’t really start playing again till my senior year, and then ended up taking a visit to Santa Barbara and fell in love with the place and ended up committing."

Gotcha, and I know you had a solid college career, averaged close to 20 your junior year! Coming out of college, what was your mindset when looking for pro options? What was playing in Israel like?

"Obviously coming out of college during covid was a bit weird with the pro options, everything was a bit messed up, but I was just trying to find the best possible option. Israel was great. I really enjoyed life out there and the league was good, and I really learned a lot there. Was a bit crazy with the security situation there at the end, but other than that I really enjoyed my time."

What do you see in rookie prospect and teammate of yours, Sharife Cooper? He had some nice dimes to you last night.

"I like him a lot, he’s really quick and crafty, and a great pg, and really good with the ball. Good guy as well."

You had a nice game for yourself yesterday, what kind of role could you see yourself having with the Hawks?

"Thank you. I would do whatever they asked of me, but really bring defense and ball pressure, and the ability to create for others."

How does it feel, knowing you have a legitimate chance of being signed, knowing all you have gone through?

"It feels great knowing that I’m close to what I want, but I’m just trynna do the best I can in these games."

by David Michael